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What is the Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Major?

Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies major Micaela Murphy poses for a photograph on campus

The Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies major offers students the opportunity to explore how gender and sexuality connect to modern issues we experience today. Additionally, it allows you to expand upon your understanding of historical female figures and literature and emphasizes the exploration of history, sociology, psychology, culture, religion, etc.

The study of WGSS acknowledges influential women throughout history who have not been given ample recognition in their respected fields when compared to influential male figures.

Why Choose a Career in WGSS?

The Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies major offers many different and unique options when it comes to career choices. A bachelor’s degree in WGSS gives you a solid foundation in humanities and social science, as well as teaches you how to think critically and advocate for justice for all people.

Student Profile: Micaela Murphy, Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies major

Micaela Murphy is a junior at the University of Montana majoring in Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies. Micaela is from Spokane, Washington, and began her journey at UM as a biology major before switching to the WGSS major. 

Why did you switch from Biology to WGSS?

“The idea was to explore classes I normally wouldn’t be able to. The drastic switch from a biology major to a Women’s, Gender & Sexuality was a scary leap. I didn’t have the opportunity to take classes that introduced me to new perspectives, ideas, and other potential passions of mine. Whereas, WGSS has opened my eyes to various passions I didn’t realize sooner, along with exploring various career opportunities.”

Who were your female role models/influences?

“My mom was my biggest influence in regard to choosing the WGSS route. Because the biology field was not working out for myself, she was a big resource for guidance— My mom has always role-modeled her passion in social justice and change. She helped me find what I am passionate about.”

“An inspiring role model at UM is Danielle Cooney. She was one of my instructors last year and I really like how genuine she is and how authentically she lives. I enjoyed how she discussed current issues we are facing and the way she connected the literature we read in class to our own lives.”

Resources to learn more about WGSS major

Some resources to learn more about the WGSS major.

View all classes for the bachelor’s degree in women’s, gender and sexuality studies.

Learn more about scholarship opportunities for women’s studies majors.

What's something you've seen in a class that you would recommend to your peers?

“Something I’d recommend for people to check out, to support Women’s History Month, is the “Killing Us Softly” documentary. During my Gender & Sex course last semester, our class watched this. This documentary really stuck with me because it prompted me to be more conscious of the media I consume (pop culture, advertising and women’s representation). My perspectives after watching this altered in reference to the way I think about myself, other women, and what femininity means in this day in age.”